Dougherty Talks Werewolf Show Bitches


Mike Dougherty wants to bring lycanthropes back to TVIt’s about goddamn time someone tried to get werewolves back on primetime TV. Sure there have been some shows since “Werewolf: The Series” that have made minimal effort, but it sounds like Trick ‘r Treat director Michael Dougherty’s Fox show “Bitches” will be the one we’ve been waiting for.

“It’s about four women living in New York City who are werewolves,” Dougherty told the Fangoria Radio crew the other night. “It’s Sex & The City with werewolves! They seduce people, then they eat them! The series will answer the questions: how do they feed, where do they work… It’s very funny.”

”Bitches” will be kicking into production early next year. Just how much of a mix of humor and horror there will be remains to be seen, but it’s got werewolves so I’m there. Let’s hope it makes it past the pilot at least!

Johnny Butane

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