More on Neill Blomkamp’s Alien; Sigourney Weaver Speaks Up


Following up on a story regarding talks heating up for Neill Blomkamp to direct an Alien film, the director and his Chappie star, Sigourney Weaver, have gotten a bit more vocal about the possible project.

As per Coming Soon:

Fox was blindsided by it, which wasn’t my intention,” Blomkamp explained of his concept art reveal. “I just wanted to share artwork with people that liked the franchise. I don’t know whether it’s going to happen or not. We’ll see. Fox didn’t know that I was developing [the artwork], so in that sense, it was completely unsanctioned and just basically for fun. To me, it wasn’t for fun. To me, that was what I wanted to do next, and I spent a lot of time doing it, and there was a lot of effort that went into. Like when I could take breaks between Chappie’s post-production winding down as VFX got under control.”

As for Weaver…

[Neill] kept sending me these brilliant designs and ideas and everything. We’ll see what happens. We just left it at such a creepy place, sort of stranded above Earth. I was quite happy to move on to other things, and I didn’t want to go to Earth. I didn’t want to manufacture a sequel, and I felt like we were starting to do that. If something happens from this, it would be very organic and very original, and because of that, it would make me want to do it. If it was someone as talented as Neill, I’d certainly listen.

Hey, Fox, are YOU listening?










