Brolin Close to Jonah Hex Deal

Word has come down via Variety this morning that Josh Brolin is in talks to take on the title role in Warner Bros. upcoming adaptation of the DC comic Jonah Hex, the script for which was penned by the Crank team of Brian Taylor and Mark Neveldine. The duo will also direct.
The 1970’s comic followed the exploits of a disfigured gunslinger and bounty hunter who got into all sorts of terrible trouble during the Old West. Brolin is a great choice for the role, being one of the more versatile actors working today. He’ll next be seen as George W. Bush in Oliver Stone’s W.
We’ll keep an eye on this one as always and let you know when a final deal is settled on! Jonah Hex is being co-produced by Akiva Goldsman, who’s also behind the upcoming unnecessary I Am Legend prequel.
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