Hack Movies Needs St. Louis Ladies!


Hack Movies!Kevin Strange and the Hack Movies crew are looking for lovely ladies in the St. Louis area for their new film! It’s your chance to work with the same sickos who brought us Colonel Kill Motherfuckers (review)!

Have you always wanted to break into the entertainment industry but never knew how? I don’t have one fucking clue how to help you with that.

What I can do is offer you a paid gig, with Hack Movies, for one day’s on screen work to perform in a safe, fun, and artistic environment.

We are currently casting roles for our upcoming feature film.
We are seeking ST LOUIS (and metro east Illinois) AREA LADIES ONLY!!!!!

This casting call is not for the faint of heart! Our films are OFFENSIVE COMEDY in the vein of Troma and John Waters.
We simulate rape, torture, mutilation, and you will be covered in a fake version of every body fluid known to man!

As if that wasn’t reason enough to sign up here are a few more benefits to joining the Hack Crew:

*Credit on a Feature film that will see a DVD release by the end of the year, and be featured in film festivals across the country.

*Automatic IMDB credit.

*It’s a PAID gig!

If it sounds like you have the stomach to kick it with the most ruthless fucking underground film company in the world, contact Kevin Strange via this website, or at [email protected].


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