Get Ready for a Week Long Shock Festival Celebration!

Well, folks, after about two years of bloodying my nose on the grindhouse grindstone, my new book Shock Festival (pre-order) hits stores next week, and you are invited, one and all, to the Week long Shock Festival celebration, which begins on the 21st of October and ends with a binge and a bang on the 25th! Clear your calenders, kiddies and kiddettes, because here’s what you are doing:
On Tuesday, October 21st at 9:30 PM, the curtain goes up on a very special command performance at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Downtown. It’s a SUPER rare screening of Starcrash, mint 35 scope print in Dolby stereo, and many trailers, plus onstage intro by Stephen and the Cast Of Shock Festival. ‘Crash is one of the flagship films Shock Festival is inspired by—quite simply THE most amazing Star Wars rip-off exploitation film ever made, with David Hasslehoff (fighting animated robot skeletons with a light saber!), music by John Berry, the most beautiful woman that ever lived, Caroline Munro as Stella Star . . . and about a million amazing “tell all your friends” moments of pure, unadulterated FUN!
From Lewis Coates (Luigi Cozzi), the man who brought you the equally astonishing 1980’s epics Hercules and Hercules II starring Lou Ferrigno!!!! Our trailer reel also features many of the film my book was inspired by, such as The Incredible Melting Man and Meatcleaver Massacre. It’s a rare, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bask in the glow of some amazing, long-lost gems on a real, honest-to-god movie screen! Plus, at the Alamo you get to drink yourself silly while watching and eat all the pizza you can get in your mouth—they’re a full bar and restaurant, with waiters who bring you your drinks and food right in the theater! Yes, kids, Tim finally got a hard liquor license now that he’s on 6th Street, and serves COCKTAILS to his patrons—GOD HELP US ALL!!!!
Go here to reserve your tickets for this event—it’s real cheap, not even nine dollars!!! And be sure to get there early—this will prolly sell out to the usual psychotropic Alamo Mob.
Then, on Saturday 25th, starting at 7:00, we’re having a big release party at Austin Books, where there will be cast signings, books for sale, disco music and LOTS OF FREE BEER!!!! This event is totally free and so is the BEER!!! Did we mention FREE BEER??!! Austin Books is the absolute coolest comic store that ever lived, and they JUST finished re-modeling, so there’s plenty of space to boogie the fuck down . . . so come one and all and celebrate the arrival of this massive, multi-headed beast known only as Shock Festival!!!
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