The Gasp Menagerie: Horror Movie Shark Caught off Australia


From the “Aw Hell No” file, we have this one: Down Under, off the coast of Australia, a very rare frilled shark was caught recently. They call this thing a living fossil because it’s survived virtually unchanged for supposedly 80 million years.

Here’s what we know: It looks like a cross between a snake and an eel, is technically a shark, grows to be 5-6 feet long, and has rows of razor-sharp teeth unlike any other shark you’ve ever seen. It usually lives at depths so deep that it’s never seen or caught.

According to the story from Fox News, this one was swimming at the very shallow depth of 2,300 feet (?!?) so he got caught to the shock and surprise of the fishermen responsible for the catch.

Just take a good look at that grin, and you’ll see why they described it as something out of a horror movie. Stan Winston would have stretched to create a critter that horrific.

Now, the real question: How long until The Asylum comes out with a giant frilled shark movie?

Frilled Shark

The Gasp Menagerie

