Twilight Figures Revealed!

One thing you can be sure of if your movie’s license is picked up by NECA; there won’t be any shortage of promotional materials that’ll be made with the film’s name on it! The latest example is “>Twilight, the upcoming teen vampire movie that we just can’t seem to stop talking about.
Rumors of the toy lineup and some early pics have been shuffled around for a while now, but finally NECA has given their great big thumbs up to the one you see on your right; vampire Edward Cullen, and Action Figure is showing him off! None of the other characters likenesses have been approved yet, so as of now Cullen is all we know for sure will be on shelves … eventually.
Twilight opens on November 21st, so there’s a good chance the figures will be out early next year. Along with 7” of pure plastic goodness, NECA will also be producing T-shirts, keychains, posters and other goodies from the film for all you secret (and not-so-secret) Twilight freaks!
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