Comedian Louis C.K. Craves Death Scene in Neill Blomkamp’s Alien Film

News has been coming hot and heavy since Neill Blomkamp announced that he’s officially directing the next Alien film for Fox, and though we don’t exactly have anything new to report today, we did think it was worth noting that a fan-favorite comedian wants a role. Read on!
In an interview with Jimmy Fallon on “The Tonight Show” last night, Sigourney Weaver spoke briefly about the project. As we already knew, it’s likely that Weaver will be starring in the film, and if Louis C.K. has his way, he’ll be starring alongside her.
“Louis C.K. said, ‘I want to be in it, and I want to die in a terrible way,'” Weaver told Fallon, averting his question of her involvement and instead describing a recent encounter with the comedian. “I said, ‘I’m sure something can be arranged.'”
Of course, this was all said in jest, though I suppose a Louis C.K. death scene isn’t entirely out of the question. I’m willing to bet that if he started a petition, it wouldn’t take long for the amount of signatures to reach the millions. So what of it, Blomkamp?!
Related Story: Neill Blomkamp’s Alien Film to be Tied to Prometheus Universe?
Check out a clip from the interview below, and expect more on this developing project real soon.