Hell Town Is Coming to Your Town; See the New Trailer

High school kids. Bloody murder. Got your attention? If you’re a fan of slasher flicks, then we ought to. The next killathon up to the plate is Hell Town, and we’ve got the artwork, trailer, and more!
From the Press Release:
The trailer for HELL TOWN, the soap-opera slasher film co-directed by cult filmmaker Steve Balderson (PEP SQUAD, FIRECRACKER) and Elizabeth Spear, has arrived.
HELL TOWN follows the melodramatic antics of high school seniors clashing over love, sex, and betrayal. In the middle of all the one-sided infatuations, backstabbing bitchiness, bottled-up sexuality, sibling rivalry, and general small-town angst, there is the “Letter Jacket Killer,” who is killing students in a variety of sadistic ways. As the body count rises and the blood pools closer to home, it becomes clear that one of our main characters is the killer… but who? Everyone, from the Prom Queen and Shirtless Jock to the Nosey Geek and Super Bitch, are all suspect.
The tale of the Letter Jacket Killer is presented as a slice of soap opera. Literally. Balderson and Spear have carved the story as three consecutive mid-season episodes of a fictitious TV serial, including opening and closing credits.
“The inspiration,” Balderson says, “comes from the Netflix model of the world. It’s so much fun to binge-watch an addictive show—especially serials involving catfights, cliffhangers, and murder.”
HELL TOWN will premiere in April in Austin, TX, as a special event presented by the Austin Horror Society.
Additional screenings at Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival in Charleston, SC, in May and other film festivals will continue throughout 2015. Click the following link for more on HELL TOWN.