Ghost Adventures’ Jay Wasley – Exclusive Interview
One of best and brightest stars in this season of “Ghost Adventures” has been Jay Wasley, and now that he is an official part of the crew, we figured we’d sit down with him and get the skinny on all the spooky!
In terms of how his involvement with “Ghost Adventures” began, Wasley had this to say. “I had heard of the show, but to be honest, I wasn’t really watching much TV at the time. I was looking for freelance work on films and dozens of different TV shows. I was just your average freelance crew guy. That’s really all I did after getting out of high school. “Ghost Adventures” used to hire a local sound guy everywhere that they’d go, but that can become problematic. What happens if you’re out in the desert in the middle of nowhere? There’s not exactly a talent pool on hand to pull from at all locations. In Season 4 the guys had decided that they wanted to brings someone on full-time, and thanks to some really good relationships that I had, my name got thrown into the mix and I was lucky enough to get that phone call one day. I was to fly out to Vegas and work on their return to Goldfield episode (Season 4, Episode 6, “Goldfield”). That was my first time meeting everyone and I guess that I did a good enough job that they invited me back for the next episode and I’ve been on ever since.”
“I would usually just work the first couple of days doing research and interviews as well,” says Wasley of his beginnings with Zak, Aaron, etc. “On the third day when the actual lockdown would begin, I’d usually be flying home. But let me tell you, just being on the road with these guys? It really is just us, ya know? “Ghost Adventures” isn’t like other productions which have these massive crews. Even though I was just the sound guy, I was always there with them traveling. We became friends because we would have such a great time on the road just being with each other. It finally got to the point in our relationship in which I could throw out some ideas and they started listening and thinking some of them were pretty cool. They were like, ‘Yeah, that sounds great. Come on camera and try and do that.’ It was in the Jamaica episode (Season 5, Episode 9, “Rose Hall”) that I had the idea to do an analysis on the EVP which we thought sounded a bit like Johnny Cash’s voice. I did the audio analysis to actually sample it and compare it frequency-wise to existing soundbites of Cash’s voice. It was eerily similar. I mean obviously we were comparing two different sources so it wasn’t 100%, but the way that they lined up was pretty powerful.”
“I feel honored to be a part of such an iconic show that has been on for so long,” Wasley continues. “The guys could have brought in new people to be a part of the show, but they didn’t. I think that’s a fine example of the type of togetherness that we have with each other. Doing stuff with people whom you consider to be friends as well as business associates allows us to do some amazing things. My brain is always going 100% so I’m always having ideas, and I’m not the kind of person who would be offended by someone not liking them. I’ll throw 100 things out there, and if something sticks, then we’ll go into it full force. Again, it’s really a true honor.”
“I’ve always had more than just a passing interest in the paranormal,” Wasley tells us of the things that keep him going. “I love experimenting and trying new things, and “Ghost Adventures” gives me that platform to explore the paranormal in ways that wouldn’t have been possible before. For instance, with The Bell Witch Cave (Season 10, Episode 5, “The Bell Witch Cave”), I wanted to try and use sound frequencies to resonate and open up a portal. You know, try and spark some type of activity in a way that’s fresh and new. I always have these ideas, man, and when I throw them out there to Zak and everybody, they’re always like, ‘Yeah, do it.’ To have that kind of trust from them is amazing. I couldn’t be happier. Honestly.”
“We don’t really know what the greater plan is for us,” says Wasley of the group’s camaraderie. “I really feel as if the four of us now… we were brought together for a reason. Just what that is, is anyone’s guess. There’s a purpose. We’ve all been brought together, and we just clicked. Usually when you work together with someone all the time, you grow to hate each other. But we don’t. I actually look forward to it. When we have an extra week off for some reason? We’re just itching to get back out there. I feel in some way this is all leading us to something… some bigger purpose. We’re all friends, and like I said, we are out there to bring an honesty to what we’re doing. We show you guys whatever we can. There’s no hiding. No second takes. If Zak farts on camera and the gas detector goes off (Season 10, Episode 8, “Apache Junction”) *laughs*, we’re not cutting that out! It is what it is. We don’t try to sensationalize anything. It’s just us being us!”