Dread Central and Ruthless Pictures Head to Monsterworld!

No one has been more grateful for the reception that Zombieworld has gotten than we at Dread Central and Ruthless Pictures. Simply put, we’re honored to help get the talented filmmakers behind each and every short in the collection the spotlight they so richly deserve.
That being said… we decided why not try this mad experiment gone awry again with one of the most beloved sub-genres of horror, the monster movie?!? It’s with great pleasure that we announce Monsterworld!
“Monsters. They’ve populated my dreams since childhood,” says Ruthless Pictures’ Jesse Baget. “It’s time to unleash them upon the world!” We couldn’t agree more.
As we did last time, we’ll be hosting a call for submissions in the near future. It’s time to get noticed, people! Unleash your beasts with reckless abandon! Check out some temp art below which will change as the project… evolves!