Scream Factory Details Scarecrows Release; Announces Nomads, Jack’s Back, Ghost Town and More!


I knew ONE THING for sure today when I woke up and that’s that I had better keep a close eye on the Scream Factory Facebook page. Of course they didn’t disappoint! Read on for a boatload of news!

From the site:

Our celebration of this most awesome day starts off with the announcement of two blu-ray double features of four films making their debuts on blu-ray:

– 1987’s genie-on-the loose THE OUTING will be paired with 1980’s Omen-inspired THE GODSEND from Cannon Pictures.

– Empire Pictures’ CELLAR DWELLER and CATACOMBS (both from 1988) will share a double bill. John Carl Buechler (Troll, Friday the 13th Part VII) directed CELLAR and David Schmoeller (Tourist Trap, Puppetmaster, The Seduction) directed CATACOMBS.

All are expected to land on 7/14 and will receive new widescreen HD transfers.

Many of you will recognize these films from our prior “All-Night Horror Marathon” budget DVD releases back in 2013. At the time, we were unable to create new transfers for a variety of reasons (mostly financial) which caused disappointment from fans who wanted better presentations. (We felt your pain too.) We are pleased to be able to “correct” this now and have chosen some of the more requested titles from those releases to experiment with. If they do well, perhaps more will follow.

Double Features

Our Friday the 13th celebration continues by revealing that Empire Pictures’ 1988 horror-western hybrid GHOST TOWN, will be riding into the Scream Factory homestead on Blu-ray July 28th. (We’ve had several requests for this one.)

Ghost Town

James Spader (“The Blacklist,” “Boston Legal”) finds himself caught up in serial killer intrigue in JACK’S BACK. This 1988 underrated thriller (both Siskel and Ebert gave it a “thumbs up!“) is scheduled to slash onto DVD & Blu-ray for the first time this Summer!

Jack's Back

This Summer we will be releasing the 1986 shocker NOMADS for the first time on Blu-ray!

From the Director of Predator and Die Hard, the action centers on Pierce Brosnan (Tomorrow Never Dies) as a doctor battling demonic spirits. Also along for the ride: Lesley Anne-Down (The Great Train Robbery), Mary Woronov (Rock N Roll High School, Night of the Comet) and even 80s singer Adam Ant?!?

Artwork you see here – sporting the classic original theatrical key art – is final. Street date has not been locked yet but we’ll keep you posted when its confirmed. No word to report yet on any extras.

And if you think we’re done, we’re barely getting started…expect more new title announces in the next couple of months!


From the Press Release:
Trespassers will be violated. Scream Factory proudly presents the action-packed supernatural thriller Scarecrows on June 2, 2015. Making its Blu-ray debut, this release comes packed with new bonus features, including audio commentaries with director William Wesley and producer Cami Winikoff, and interviews with special make-up effects creator Norman Cabrera and actor Ted Vernon. Fans that order from will have their copy shipped two weeks early!

After a band of ex-military criminals pulls off a multi-million dollar heist, they hop aboard a plane headed for Mexico. But when one of their own betrays them, they suddenly find themselves on the ground and on the run through a field of scarecrows near an abandoned farmhouse. And as night sets in, the real nightmare begins. The men discover that there’s a reason the farmhouse is empty… and now those who thought they were the hunters are being hunted by an unimaginable and malevolent force!

Special Features:

  • Audio Commentary with director William Wesley and producer Cami Winikoff
  • Audio Commentary with co-screenwriter Richard Jefferies, Director of Photography Peter Deming and composer Terry Plumeri
  • The Last Straw – an interview with Special Make-up Effects Creator Norman Cabrera
  • Cornfield Commando – an interview with Actor Ted Vernon
  • Original Storyboards
  • Still Gallery
  • Theatrical Trailer

Scare Crows

