Horrorclix Demise Imminent

Though I don’t fully understand the implications of this announcement, I know what it means to horror fans: The end of Horrorclix is nigh. The Topps Company announced today that it would immediately cease operations of Horrorclix makers WizKids, which is also responsible for the superhero-oriented game Heroclix.
While the full announcement on Action Figure notes that Topps is hoping to continue producing its core brands without a hiccup, the Horrorclix were never seen as a major part of the business plan.
One saving grace may be licensing deals already in play. Since Hellboy, Aliens Vs Predator and Freddy vs. Jason all fall under the Horrorclix brand and those licensing deals have already been paid for, should the licenses last another year at the least, Horrorclix may be spared for a time, by default. Since we’re nearing the end of the year, though, we’ll find out soon enough.
We’ll be looking into the future of Horrorclix and report back as soon as we have more info!
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