Spend Thanksgiving with Monsters HD!

Even though Dish Network is no longer home to Monsters HD, it’s still alive and well on the Net (and Cablevision), as evidenced by the press release we received today. This Thanksgiving Monsters HD invites you to celebrate with a zombie marathon!
On top of the undead thrills the network typically runs during its “Thanksgiving Day of the Dead”, this year they are offering the online debuts of George A. Romero’s classic Day of the Dead along with Robert Kurtzman’s totally over-the-top but thoroughly entertaining The Rage (review), which stars genre faves Andrew Divoff (pictured), Erin Brown, and Reggie Bannister. In other words, while everyone else is gobbling turkey, horror fans can sink their teeth into “the other white meat” with these tasty zombie offerings, premiering on November 27.
For more info and to see what the heck Monsters HD has been up to since getting disappointingly booted off satellite, visit their official site here.
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