A Nightmare on Elm Street Remake is Now a Go!

Platinum Dunes continues its reimaginative ways by taking yet another beloved horror franchise and giving it the remake treatment. The next one up? A Nightmare on Elm Street. So what are their intentions?
Producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form had a chat with Shock Till You Drop and their discussion yielded some interesting details.
“It’s our next movie,” Form tells Shock, “hopefully shooting this spring.”
“It’s like what we’re doing to Friday the 13th,” says Fuller. “It’s not Freddy cracking jokes. We want to make a horrifying movie. The concept is so scary, don’t fall asleep or you’ll die. This guy gets you when you’re most vulnerable, in your sleep. We love that. That’s the basis of the movie. It’ll be most similar to the first one but in terms of kills and dreams we’ll borrow from the entire series.”
When asked if Englund will be back, “Fuller and Form say they’re seeking someone new to don the hat and red ‘n green sweater, but they’re hopeful Englund will be back for a part in the film.”
Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about this one. The good news is test screenings of “>Friday the 13th have been scoring well, so maybe the Dunes have gotten things back on track.
But Englund not playing Freddy? That just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s not the way the character of Freddy has been scripted over the years that has turned him into a powerhouse, it’s Robert’s portrayal. You can’t say he’s too old because he’s covered in make-up. Age is a non-factor. Maybe he’d have to diet to get back in thin slashing weight, but that’s about it.
Please Form and Fuller, I implore you … You want to remake the movie? That’s great, but give us our Freddy Krueger. Englund was plenty scary in the original. I’m sure given the right script he can be even more frightening.
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