Kosar Working on Satanic Thriller With Platinum Dunes

Amid all the other projects the Platinum Dunes boys have their hands in as of late, including the Nightmare on Elm Street remake that was confirmed yesterday, it’s good to see they’re still working on original concepts as well. During a chat with Sci Fi Wire they revealed details on a project they’re doing with Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake penner Scott Kosar about Satanic cults.
“It is a story about a college girl whose brother dies, and she goes to investigate his death and finds he was into some pretty freaky stuff, and wants to get to the bottom of it,” Brad Fuller told the site. “And doing so, [she] has to see some things that maybe she didn’t want to see. That are unsettling.”
Said “freaky stuff” is the aforementioned Satanic cult, which Andrew Form assures us will be more focused on “real-life scary stuff” rather than anything too supernatural … or gory. “We’re not going to, like, slit goats’ throats,” Fuller promises. Ah, well…
The project has no title as of yet, but Kosar is finishing up the script as we speak, and then it’s off to Paramount for approval. Keep it here for updates!
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