One-Act Play Festival Sci-Fest L.A. Opens May 7 Featuring Works by Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, and More!

Sci-Fest L.A., a festival comprised of one-act plays by the likes of Clive Barker and Neil Gaiman that star actors from “True Blood,” Aliens, “Supernatural,” and more, is kicking off its second year on May 7th at Hollywood’s Acme Theatre; and we have all the details you need right here.
From the Press Release:
SCI-FEST L.A., the Los Angeles Science Fiction One-Act Play Festival, the first of its kind worldwide, returns for the second year to Hollywood’s Acme Theatre (135 N. LaBrea Ave.) from May 7-31, 2015.
Co-founded by veteran theatre producers Michael Blaha and Lee Costello and actor David Dean Bottrell (“Boston Legal”), SCI-FEST L.A.: The Los Angeles Science Fiction One-Act Play Festival debuted in May of 2014 to sold-out houses and critical acclaim with NPR describing is as “a chilling freakout” and The Huffington Post saying, “The plays unfold like exquisite, lost ‘Twilight Zone’ episodes.”
Bottrell notes, “We’re very excited for Sci-Fest L.A. 2015. The festival was so successful last year with sold-out houses and sci-fi stars from ‘Lost,’ ‘The X-Files,’ ‘Star Trek,’ ‘Supernatural,’ and more that we’re building on that this year. The roots of science fiction run pretty deep in L.A., which transformed the genre into a worldwide industry and a global product. Sci-fi is part of L.A.’s cultural heritage.”
The organization’s mission is to produce an annual festival of new, beautifully realized, visually compelling sci-fi one-acts featuring many well-known actors from beloved sci-fi and fantasy franchises. This year’s ensemble includes Eddie McClintock (“Warehouse 13”), Tim Russ (“Star Trek: Voyager”), Dale Dickey (“True Blood”), Jeryl Prescott Sales (“The Walking Dead”), Patricia Talman (“Babylon 5”), Armin Shimerman (“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”), Jasika Nicole (“Fringe”), Woody Shultz (Avatar), Nicki Aycox (“Supernatural”), Alan Polonsky (Aliens), Cuyle Carvin (Alienate), David H. Lawrence XVII (“Heroes”), and Walter Koenig from the original “Star Trek” series.
SCI-FEST L.A. also promotes quality short science fiction through its two writing competitions, the Roswell Award and the Tomorrow Prize for Short Fiction, which is open exclusively to Los Angeles area high school students. SCI-FEST L.A. is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a nonprofit arts service organization.
Tickets are available now; for more information visit
SCI-FEST L.A. offers two rotating evenings of new, visually compelling 15-minute sci-fi plays. The 2015 roster includes:
ACCESS by Spencer Green
Directed by Steve Kaplan
Breaking up is hard to do. Especially in multiple dimensions.
Directed by Jeff Liu
A lonely autistic man is unable to convince his doubting daughter that his new invention will change everything… until it does.
Adapted by Michael Bernard; Directed by Annie McVey
Film noir meets Mother Goose as P.I. “L. Jack Horner” investigates the suspicious death of one “H. Dumpty” in this insane mash-up by the iconic author of American Gods and Coraline.
THE DEPARTED by Clive Barker
Adapted by Christian Francis; Directed by Rob Hollocks
A ghostly tale of love and obsession. Based on the acclaimed short story by one of the most influential contemporary creators of fantasy and horror.
EFFICIENCY by Perley Poore Sheehan and Robert H. Davis
Directed by Jaime Robledo
A ruthless dictator demands a meeting with a horrifically wounded soldier who has been transformed into an unstoppable killing machine.
HUMAN HISTORY by Joel Silberman
Directed by Malcolm Barrett and Matthew Leavitt
Far in the future, in a classroom on a distant planet, racial tensions run high as Earth’s history is debated, forgotten, and relearned.
THE LUNCHTIME SHOW by G. Clarence Davidson
Directed by Drew Barr
In deserted border town, visitors to a ramshackle “roadside attraction” get a little more than they bargained for.
Written and performed by Chuck Armstrong and Charlie Stockman
Direct from its smash run at the Hollywood Fringe Festival, a mad captain’s quest for revenge leads his crew to the brink of destruction in this hilarious two-man retelling of Moby Dick (in space).
TURNOVER by Chris Graybill
Directed by Jeffrey Marcus
Within the walls of a futuristic penal facility, a “job interview” turns into a sinister game of cat-and-mouse between a dangerous inmate and her interrogator.
Thrills and chills abound as our star-studded company of players perform classic sci-fi radio script live on stage!