Presidential Pilot Tells UFO Tale – The Gasp Menagerie

The advent of smart phones and the near universal nature of camera coverage has led to great disappointment for UFOlogists. No matter the explanation, it’s clear that…THINGS have been seen in our skies for millennia. With cameras everywhere, why haven’t we had some airborne anomaly captured convincingly via digital photography?
It’s enough to make one believe that everything reported, no matter how detailed, must have been an illusion.
And then you run across a report like this.
The New York Daily News brings us a piece written by Andrew Danziger. Danziger is a 28-year veteran airline pilot and instructor who flew President Obama during his 2008 campaign. His credentials and history speak for themselves. This is no kook, no crackpot, no foil-hat-wearing looney.
In the article Danziger details an event early in his career when he was first officer on an airliner flying a night trip out of Kansas City to Iowa. It was around 8pm, dark, and clear. After they reached cruising altitude, Danziger noticed a patch of clouds in the otherwise clear skies and a white disc in the midst of them.
This was no brief sighting. For the duration of the flight, this disc and its cloud cover kept pace with the plane They checked with air traffic control several times, and each time it was confirmed: no cloud cover, nothing on radar but them on a slow night in the skies about Iowa.
As they prepared to descend into Waterloo, they looked away briefly. When they checked back, the small white disc had become a huge orb, glowing red, still keeping pace with them, parallel to their flight path. Things became even more startling when, as the plane continued descending, the orb disappeared, replaced by hundreds of flashing lights.
Finally, without warning, the clouds and lights disappeared entirely.
Both pilots were shaken and upset. They attempted to explain what happened to air traffic control, only to be told to call a national hotline. Danziger did, was told this kind of thing is reported “all the time,” and never heard from anyone about the incident again.
The full article is fascinating and direct from the source. If this man can’t be believed, who can? What did he and his senior pilot see that night? These were not emotional men, neither was impaired, and they had enough experience to be able to identify any flying craft known to man. Was this a weather phenomenon? An experimental craft? Something supernatural or alien?