Win Prizes at Texas Frightmare Weekend from Dread Central

In case you’ve forgotten, we are exactly ONE WEEK AWAY from the 10th Annual Texas Frightmare Weekend!
Texas Frightmare Weekend is my big thing every year. As Dread Central’s sole Texan ghoul, I don’t get to play in all the big coastal shindigs that my compatriots enjoy. When you say “horror” and “Texas,” you say “Texas Frightmare Weekend” so this is Christmas, the 4th of July, and Cinco de Mayo all rolled into one for the Texan freaky fan.
This year we’re blowing it up. It’s the 10th annual show so yours truly is stepping up the DC game for this year’s event. I’m bringing a bag full of swag to give out to faithful readers all three days of the show!
Going to Frightmare? Want some knick-knacks, chotchkes, and other general cool crap? Follow ME on Twitter at @MrDarkDC and Dread Central at @DreadCentral to keep track during the show, or just find me. No, you won’t hurt my feelings if you unfollow me as soon as the show’s over, but you’d be a fool if you drop Dread Central. Also, Creepy may take a dump on your doorstep, and nobody wants that.
Here’s what you have to do: Follow my and Dread Central’s Twitter feeds to get the latest news on what’s happening as the show goes on. I’ll be live tweeting, as always, but this time I might provide instructions or clues on how YOU can win one of the goodies I’ll bring along.
Related Story: Texas Frightmare 2015 Schedule Released
Sometimes, especially Saturday, the cell towers surrounding the Hyatt Regency start screaming in agony and you simply can’t get a signal strong enough to read Twitter. No problem! Your alternative path to free goodies is to find me at the show. I’m hard to miss as I’ll be cosplaying as Uncle Creepy: Dread Central shirt, shaved head, cargo shorts, goatee. (The fact that this is how I usually look is beside the point so PLAY ALONG.) However, I’ll be taller and will smell better. I will also be less likely to dry hump your leg while singing disco hits so you have that going for you.
Spot me, say hi, and mention that you’d like a shot at a treat. I’ll either think up some random task to prove your worth or slip you something right then and there. I may also just give you a prize. (That joke format shall hereafter be known as “The Ferguson,” and you’re cool if you get why.)
One last thing: Do me a favor and ping me on Twitter to let me know you plan on coming to the show. I want to be able to bring enough goodies for everyone!
The 10th Annual Texas Frightmare Weekend is taking place May 1-3; keep your eyes on the Texas Frightmare Weekend Facebook page for updates.