Deadgirl Duo to Remake Murk

Gold Circle Films has tapped the writing/directing duo behind “>Deadgirl (review) to update the Danish thriller Murk (Mørke) according to THR. Marcel Sarmiento & Gadi Harel will both write and direct the Murk update, which sounds like it’ll be another polarizing film for the team.
Murk tells of a journalist whose sister, handicapped after a failed suicide attempt, tells her brother that she’s going to marry a man she met on the internet. Shortly before the wedding, however, she kills herself anyway. Obviously distraught, the brother tracks down his would-be brother-in-law and finds that he already has plans to marry another handicapped girl, who also ends up dead.
Of course, no remake would be complete without some mucking about, so Sarmiento and Harel have plans to add a high-tech element to their redux. We’ll have to wait and see how that turns out. The duo’s Deadgirl will be out next year via Dark Sky Films; look for details on that soon!
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