First Poster & Synopsis for The Homecoming

The guys currently hunkering down and rationing water over at Quiet Earth took time out of their busy schedules of watching the skies for aliens to throw out the poster and official synopsis for The Homecoming, the directorial debut of The Orphanage screenwriter Sergio G. Sanchez.
The plot sounds both beautiful and horrific, and immediately puts this one on my “hafta see” list. Dig; Nate and Alice are spending the last days of summer with their parents in a small cabin on a remote island when their parents inform them that they’re going to separate. When they leave the island, they discover that every last one of the inhabitants of the closest town has died.
Little by little they discover that they are not the only ones left alive on the planet but the rest of the survivors of the catastrophe represent a threat from which they must run without respite until they finally reach home and find the answer to all their questions.
What the QE guys did not have, sadly, was an update on where or how we’ll be seeing the film, but as soon as we squeeze that information from our sources you’ll be reading it with your own eyeballs!
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