Zombieworld Invades the UK June 8th
Our experimental anthology with Ruthless Pictures, Zombieworld (reviews), is getting set to hit the UK on June 8th; and right now we have your first details and a look at the very different artwork!
From the Press Release:
The end is here! The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us – and all you can do is kick back and watch how it happened, right here, right now in the place we call Zombieworld.
Satisfy your thirst for all things zombie as we take you back in time to the biblical rise of the living dead before running screaming from continent to continent as reports of zombie devastation arrive from Ireland, Canada, Australia, and all over the U.S.
Watch for the ‘Government Health Warnings’ on ‘How to Survive a Zombie Attack’. They could be the only thing between you and a newfound hunger for human flesh. And above all else, enjoy yourself – you may not have much longer to live.
With ultra-violence, gallons of gore, and heaps of bloody fun, Zombieworld is like nothing you’ve seen before. This ravenous collection of deadly tales takes over DVD on 8 June 2015 courtesy of Image Entertainment.
Welcome to Zombieworld.
Special features include: Marathon Apocalypse.