Victor Frankenstein – New Images Featuring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe

While Universal sorts out its release plans, 20th Century Fox has released a pair of stills from its new version of Frankenstein, entitled Victor Frankenstein. Check ’em out courtesy of Empire Online.
Paul McGuigan’s upcoming Victor Frankenstein is set to open on October 2, 2015. James McAvoy stars as the titular scientist, and Daniel Radcliffe stars as his assistant Igor. The film also stars “Sherlock” actors Andrew Scott and Mark Gatiss, “Downton Abbey” actress Jessica Brown Findlay, and Callum Turner.
McGuigan’s new take on Mary Shelley’s classic tale comes from a script by Chronicle screenwriter Max Landis.
James McAvoy is Victor Von Frankenstein, and Daniel Radcliffe stars as Igor in a unique, never-before-seen twist on Mary Shelley’s classic 19th century novel. Told from Igor’s perspective, we see the troubled young assistant’s dark origins and his redemptive friendship with the young medical student Victor Von Frankenstein and become eyewitnesses to the emergence of how Frankenstein became the man—and the legend—we know today.