The Shining for the Atari 2600?

I’ve been playing video games long before many of you first clutched your joysticks so I fondly remember off-market Atari 2600 games like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Halloween, and even the filthy Custer’s Revenge! That’s exactly why this latest game caught my eye.
Developer Pippin Barr has created The Shining as it might have appeared on the Atari 2600 at the time during its heyday. Gotta say, he totally nailed it.
Check out some screens below, and remember… All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! All worrk and no pllay makes Jack a dull boy! All work and noo play makes Jaca dyll boy! All work and no play makes Jack a dullboy! All work and no plaay makes Jackk a dull boy!
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