Ratpocalypse Trailer NOW!

We’re suckers for cool looking movies with crazy titles around these parts, but few live up to the mayhem promised by their moniker. Can Ratpocalypse (formerly Higher Mission) deliver the weirdo goods?
Written and directed by Vladimir Uglichin, Ratpocalypse stars Casper Van Dien, Victoria Summer, Linda Bella, Lidiya Korotko, and Catherine Oxenberg.
Check out the trailer!
From Academy Award-winning producer Gray Frederickson comes a stereoscopic 3D movie that revolves around a highly respected United States senator, John Perryman, who gets a higher calling from superior forces above. Through his dreams he is given an important mission: to expose and to warn the corrupted government officials of Russia to stop taking bribes or else the superior forces will literally turn them into rats.
The Russian politicians laugh at Perryman and suggest psychiatric treatment until the city of Moscow witnesses an unexplained phenomenon. Russian high government officials mutate into giant human-rats in the matter of days. Enraged by fear and chaos, the Russian President’s Cabinet orders Perryman’s capture dead or alive with a $20 million reward.
With the help of his new Russian friends Anna and Polina, Perryman manages to evade capture and stay alive long enough to convert more people. But, just like other saints and messengers of God, Perryman’s fate meets the brutality and cruelty of heartless human nature. Naïve and corrupted Russians hope to destroy Perryman in order to reverse the rat mutation process. Eventually, cornered by angry mobs of human-rats and their relatives, Perryman is killed in front of his new love, Polina, but his death doesn’t provide the cure for the rat disease. The world’s corrupted society now faces the greatest punishment in history… being turned into RATS!
