Synopsis Released for Supernatural Season Finale Episode 10.23 – Brother’s Keeper

Season 10 of “Supernatural” is winding down with just three episodes left, and The CW has released a summary of the finale, Episode 10.2e, “Brother’s Keeper.” Usually I’m on board with biblical horror, but the prolonged Cain and Abel parable is getting tedious, and Crowley’s mommy issues aren’t helping the show’s momentum so here’s hoping the synopsis’ promise of “change” is followed through on during the upcoming Season 11.
Note that The CW will be re-airing the previous week’s Episode 10.22, “The Prisoner,” at 8PM, just before the finale, so you can get a double-dose of Demon Dean before he (hopefully) disappears forever.
“Supernatural” Episode 10.23 – “Brother’s Keeper” (airs 5/20/15, 9PM)
SUPERNATURAL SEASON FINALE — Dean (Jensen Ackles) makes a shocking decision regarding the Mark of Cain that would change not only his life, but Sam’s (Jared Padaleck) too. Meanwhile, Crowley (Mark Sheppard) and Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) face off, and Castiel (Misha Collins) gets caught in the middle. Phil Sgriccia directed this episode written by Jeremy Carver.
“Supernatural” Episode 10.22 – “The Prisoner” (airs 5/13/15, 9PM; repeats 5/20/15, 8PM)
DEAN IS ON A RAMPAGE — When it comes to the Stynes, Dean (Jensen Ackles) decides to take matters into his own hands. Sam (Jared Padalecki) tries to come to terms with his decision. Thomas J. Wright directed this episode written by Andrew Dabb.
“Supernatural” Episode 10.21 – “Dark Dynasty” (airs 5/6/15, 9PM)
THE WINCHESTERS MEET THE STYNES — Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki) investigate a bizarre murder and realize the killer bears the same tattoo as those from the Styne family. Eldon Styne (guest star David Hoflin) attacks Dean, and a brutal fight ensues. Meanwhile, Castiel (Misha Collins) acts as referee when Charlie (guest star Felicia Day) and Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) are forced to work together on the Book of the Damned. Crowley (Mark Sheppard) discovers his mother is missing and knows she’s up to something so he turns to an old enemy for help. Robert Singer directed this episode written by Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner.
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