Horrible Imaginings #175: Dark Stories from the Bahr Crawl

Returning to the “literature” in our mission to explore horror in history, art, literature, film, and beyond! Today, we are giving you one of our most special Storytime Editions yet! It is a whole collection of readings from some of today’s most prominent authors of the bizarre, the horrific, the weird, or the just plain dark!
That’s right! Horrible Imaginings Film Festival helped organize the San Diego leg of what is being called “The Bahr Crawl.” It has been a road trip of readings to celebrate the release of Angel Meat, a new collection of short stories from award-winning author Laura Lee Bahr. Joining her in these readings are Splatterpunk legend John Skipp, Andrew J. Stone, and San Diego’s own David Agranoff and Anthony Trevino, who brought selections of their own to share at Verbatim Books.

Laura Lee Bahr, from the book trailer for Angel Meat
As Laura Lee Bahr puts it during the performance, “. . .I feel that reading is a very intimate act.” I agree with her, and it is for this reason that the almost lost art of reading aloud in public is especially potent for horror. In a way, the act of scaring one another with spoken stories is one of the oldest forms of creative communication and the birthplace of what we now know as horror.
I hope you enjoy this brief collection of bizarre and dark stories, as told by their authors. Thank you, Verbatim Books for hosting us! Now get to listening and sharing!
Remember… If you are a filmmaker, we want to see your latest scares! Horrible Imaginings Film Festival is now accepting submissions! Submit today to the film festival Shant Hamassian, director of Night of the Slasher, says is “five stars across the board!” Horrible Imaginings Film Festival proudly accepts entries via FilmFreeway.com, the world’s best online submission platform. FilmFreeway offers free HD online screeners, unlimited video storage, digital press kits, and more. Click below to submit with FilmFreeway.
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