Horrible Imaginings Podcast #176: Etheria Film Night 2017!

Hello, listeners! Sorry for the long break between episodes as we plan the next film festival, on top of me moving, my cat dying, a violent car accident, and a lot of other bullshit. This show is not about any of that, though, but about something fun instead!
That’s right… this past Saturday, June 3rd, was the fourth annual Etheria Film Night, an evening of short films that showcase women directors of genre cinema, be it horror, sci-fi, action, or fantasy.
My good friends Stacy Pippi and Heidi Honeycutt have been kicking ass putting this together for years now, but I have had a hard time being able to make the trip until this year. Of course, I have to put this episode together to highlight the awesome films we saw! Joining me is Horrible Imaginings Outreach Director Sterling Anno, as well as the effervescent Tara Price, director of Etheria Film Night selection Earworm!

Stacy Pippi, Tara Price, Miguel Rodriguez, and Sterling Anno are delirious after a crazy Etheria Film Night!
In this episode we discuss each film, get some feedback from a popular NPR show host about a particular figure of speech, and laugh a lot. Enjoy; and don’t forget to subscribe, share, and rate us on iTunes!
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