Who Goes There Podcast: Ep 147 – Insidious: The Last Key & The Church

Happy 2018, everyone! January is a time for new beginnings, striving to be the best you possible, and greeting each day with a positive attitude. January also has a history of being the time when movie studios dump the crap films they don’t think will make any money.
This January we’re putting our positive attitude where our mouth is and giving Insidious: The Last Key the benefit of the doubt. But wait; there’s more! As an added bonus, we’re doubling down on good intentions and discussing a second movie! Act now and you’ll also get thoughts and opinions on 1989’s The Church! Don’t delay! Supplies are limited and operators are standing by.
My last girlfriend was a feminist, vegan punk who broke up with me because she thought I was too angry. At least I still have the Who Goes There Podcast episode 147!
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