Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3D (DVD)

Reviewed by Johnny Butane
Starring Dana Kimmell, Paul Kratka, Nick Savage, Rachel Howard
Directed by Steve Miner
Released by Paramount Home Entertainment
Now this is one I was looking forward to a lot, having a fond remembrance of it from my youth. Of course, at the time 3-D was the ultimate in high-tech so I probably only remember it being good for that reason, cause it’s certainly not a good movie at all. And Paramount’s treatment of it on DVD is evidence of that, as well.
When we last left Jason, he had leaped through a window to try and kill Ginny, who was later carted away in an ambulance, no sign of the now-unmasked madman to be seen. Say what you will about Friday 2; it sure as hell had the worst ending of any film in the series.
We learn, after a lengthy bit from the finale of the last film, that Jason crawled away. Sure. Now he’s shown up in a nearby town, where he makes short (well, long if you factor in how long these stalking scenes last) work of an obnoxious hick couple. Then he’s off to terrorize more campers, who this time are shacking up in a cabin (complete with barn, as we’re shown many, many times) and settling in for a weekend of sex, drugs and really bad rock and roll.
Among said kids is the prankster/token loser kid Shelly, who as we all know is responsible for Jason getting his trademark hockey mask. That, and the absolute worst monologue ever put on film anywhere, ever, are about the only reasons to watch this film. The 3D could be added to that list as well but I warn you; this movie hurt me in 3D.
I have a good setup to enjoy it in and it still hurt, so I can only theorize that it’s due to the age of the technology and how well it translates to DVD. But beyond the discomfort of watching it in 3D, it’s kind of sad that it seems the only thing Miner utilized the technology for was gag after gag , though the beginning scene amidst hanging sheets outdoors works pretty well, too.
To some said gags are part, if not most, of the film’s charms. The yo-yo scene comes to mind as the most annoying, since it goes on for so long, but believe me I remember why I thought the film rocked so much when I first saw it. At the time this shit was just awesome for a horror movie, plain and simple. It may not stand up for today’s horror fans who have never seen it before, but for those of us who remember it fondly, seeing it in 3D again really makes the film so much better.
Jason finally starts coming into his own in this movie, as well. Richard Brooker dons the mask for the first time and really lays down the groundwork for what men like Kane Hodder would later perfect. He’s imposing in this movie, a hulking monster without a trace of the sympathetic creature who was able to be stalled by his fake mother in the last film which, you may recall, happened only a day previous to this one.
Let’s talk about that transformation, shall we? Of all of Jason’s faces beneath the mask, I really thing this one’s the worst. He went from longhaired, mutant hillbilly to bald headed Sloth look-alike in the span of a day? But yeah, I guess anything’s possible in the Friday universe, so why nitpick?
All right, so what about the features on this brand-new re-release of the film? Don’t get your hopes up; apparently Paramount blew their budget just getting the 3D to work right. And of course the cost of all those glasses that come with the DVDs, I’m sure those must’ve cost a pretty penny. So that’s why Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3D on DVD has only a trailer. That’s it!
This one’s a toss-up; most fans won’t pass up the chance to see the film in 3D again (or for the first time in most cases) so chastising Paramount for being so cheap on the features won’t likely dissuade anyone from getting it. Suffice it to say I’m not pleased with their treatment of it and hopefully they’ll give the next three films more respect.
Special Features
3 1/2 out of 5
Special Features
0 out of 5
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