Appetites (2015)

Starring Lauren Parkinson, Bret Roberts, Scott Barrows
Directed by Cameron Casey
There’s no accounting for taste, especially when it comes to someone’s appetite, and if you happen to be one of those souls that loves the taste of some slow-cooked human flesh (no, I’m not referring to you zombies), then I’ve got a movie for you, complete inanity and all!
From director Cameron Casey comes Appetites, a decidedly little insane presentation that is fun for a little while, but grows a bit stale in the later frames and unfortunately skids to a halt before the conclusion. The story tells the demented tale of Daisy (Parkinson) and her very large in frame, but very tiny in brainpower, brother, Bubba (Barrows) – they live together and hunt for food. Their meat of choice? Usually some poor slob that Daisy’s lured into a trap and set on a simmering boil for a few hours.
She uses her curves (and she’s got plenty) as her bait, and only her stone-cold lunacy can rival her good looks. Bubba acts as the prep-cook of the family, and the two happily munch away while getting lost in their favorite TV shows and movies – hell, there’s never a shortage of meat round these parts!
Now if we’ve got a yin, we most certainly require a yang, and that comes in the equally batty John Doe (Roberts) – he sweet talks the ladies before bedding them, and might even serenade them with his six-string before sending them off to the pearly gates – now he’s not a connoisseur of the tasty flesh like Daisy is, but their paths are destined to cross, and when they do, it’s the foundation of a relationship that could border on implosive. These two combustible elements simply weren’t meant to share the same airspace, and it plays out in fun fashion, even with the law in hot pursuit behind them. Now the idea here is to sicken the audience with their tactics, but I found myself getting a good laugh at more than one of their brawls. Both Parkinson and Roberts work well together in their performances, and whether they’re trying to outdo each other in the humor or violence department, it’s a pleasure to see them both ply their craft in all its glory.
Casey uses the most out of the desert scenario he shot in, and it literally ignites the colors around it and would definitely look fantastic on Blu-ray (if it ever gets there) and should be thrown up on the large-screen TVs for optimal viewing.
Now the downsides – the utter goofiness of the movie is the bane of its existence, and the vacuous activity contained within could supposedly take place that far away from the populous, but it surely wouldn’t be long before they were locked up. Overall, cannibalism can be fun (as long as you’re not partaking in it), and Appetites should be checked out at least once (simply to see Parkinson in her Zena outfit), but don’t overdo it on dinner… you haven’t even seen what’s for dessert yet.