June (2015)

Starring Casper Van Dien, Victoria Pratt, Kennedy Brice
Directed by L. Gustavo Cooper
After watching the trailer for L. Gustavo Cooper’s June, I’ll admit that hopes ran high for another evil child to give that little urchin Damien (The Omen) a run for his lunch money. Unfortunately, after completing the film, I’ll have to attest that he still is the reigning little prince of the swing sets.
The film begins with a creepy cult preparing to sacrifice a baby, and when the lil bambino is saved from certain death, we witness the progression of a young soul and the potentially destructive power she beholds. Her inability to control the rage and violent aftermath of her outbursts has led her from foster home to foster home, and after her latest bout with her new family at a trailer park barbecue, she’s moved yet again. When this little girl’s eyes turn black and she starts whistling on about the upcoming apocalypse, you’d better get your keester to higher ground!
Eddie Jemison plays Victor, the man responsible for placing June into these homes in the hope that she’ll be able to find some peace… and not end up scattering them into dust. He’s a creepy little guy, but at least his intentions are solid, I think.
Enter Dave and Lily Anderson (Van Dien and Pratt), June’s newest parents of the month, and from first looks it appears as if they’re on the up and up and want nothing but a safe and secure life for their new daughter. Only problem is, June has a BIG issue with Dave and isn’t afraid to convey her thoughts via grisly pictures she draws and the baseline hatred she spews out of her mouth at him in one eerie scene. As things begin to settle (for a short spell, at least), there arises a new problem, and it comes in the presence of the remaining cult members that have been lying in wait for quite some time, and they want to finish what they started years ago – so much for a happy childhood.
Now, upon glossing over the details of what I’ve just typed, you’d think that you would want to tear into this film and revel in its scary goodness… the only issue here is that it’s really not that frightening at all, even disappointing to very large extent. June is a child who is quiet, reserved, and at times bullied until she flips her evil switch; and the power quickly fizzles after she initially blows. I’d honestly hoped for a wretched little soul that wreaks havoc with no remorse; instead I got Cindy Brady tweaking after a bad batch of meth.
Overall, aside from a few neat scenes that display June’s power, this film really is a type of rescue-presentation: designed to showcase the good in people rather than the unharnessed destruction they can summon from within. Sorry, but I really wanted some widespread eradication, not a Hallmark movie of the week. If you want to check this out as a one-timer, feel free; otherwise, wait for “Sesame Street” to be broadcast on HBO… now THAT will be frightening.