Supernatural – The Complete 10th Season (Blu-ray)

Starring Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark A. Sheppard
Directed by Various
Distributed by Warner Brothers Home Entertainment
It’s utterly amazing to me that “Supernatural” has lasted ten seasons, but alas, the Winchester boys just keep on trucking despite peaking in Season 5. This show is such a weird animal in that just when it starts to lose me, I get sucked right back in, and truth be told, there was a lot of sucking – both good and bad – in this tenth season.
In terms of what happened plotwise… I’d be silly if I didn’t just refer you to the official synopsis:
“After Dean Winchester lost his battle with power-mad angel scribe Metatron last season, he was resurrected by the power of the First Blade and transformed into a demon, cursed with the Mark of Cain. The road to recovering wayward Dean takes brother Sam down sinister paths himself with consequences that will shake the boys to their core. The Winchesters’ angelic comrade-in-arms Castiel must pick up the pieces in the aftermath of Metatron’s campaign to overtake Heaven. With his divine “grace” failing and rogue angels still loose, Cas faces the ticking clock of his own mortality while all-new and ages-old threats again push our heroes to their human and otherworldly limits. At the same time, the King of Hell, Crowley, must deal with dissension within his own twisted family.”
From reading that description, it should be completely apparent to you that the storyline has run kind of thin, and as a result Season 10 spends more times meandering from episode to episode than it does really driving its latest bits of lore home. There are some good ideas present within the span of the 23 episodes presented here, but overall most of it played as if everyone was just waiting to see if the show would get picked up for an eleventh season (which it did) before deciding which direction to take. But then it happens… sandwiched between said meandering episodes, you hit several that are pure “Supernatural” magic, and that’s what keeps you watching and, more importantly, forgiving.
Simply put, Season 10 does more spinning its wheels than it does traveling down dark highways… but that never seems to stop us from wanting to see what’s next for the boys, Castiel, and the (shamefully underutilized in S10) King of Hell.
In terms of extras this package is, as always, stacked! This is one of the few shows that truly cherishes its fanbase, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the supplemental material. I’ve gotta say though… we really could have done without the “Supernatural Fans” bit being an hour long. Even at that length it feels endless. Still, how cool for the folks included here to become part of this show’s history! Bravo for the idea, meh on the execution.
As usual, we also have the annual Comic-Con panel and tons of other bells and whistles, including our personal favorite supplement every year… the blooper reel!
“Supernatural” – The Complete 10th Season hits slightly more than it misses, but if you’re a fan of the show, it’s as always nothing short of a must-have. Here’s hoping that Season 11 cranks up the intensity with the kind of focus that this series truly needs at the moment.
- “A Very Special Supernatural Special”
- “Supernatural Theatre: Staging the 200th Episode”
- “The Winchester Mythology: Battling the Mark and the Blade”
- “Supernatural” Fans
- “Supernatural” at Comic-Con 2014
- Three (3) Audio Commentaries
- Deleted Scenes
- Gag Reel