Halls of Horror 2015 Review

Halls of Horror (website)
320 Delaware Ave
Palmerton, PA 18071
Halls of Horror, located in the Lehigh Valley-Palmerton, PA, approximately a little over an hour away from Northeast Pennsylvania, is by far the most mature, and terrifying haunted attraction we have ever visited. This attraction is advertised for mature haunt fans, is no place for children and is a psychological and physically demanding haunted attraction. There is not haunted attraction on the East Coast which successfully has coupled aspects of the “extreme” haunt scene with a more “classical” haunted attraction like Halls of Horror, and any haunt fan or fan of Halloween in general would do themselves a disservice if they do not visit this amazing attraction this year. The Halls of Horror offers two experiences, the less interactive regular attraction or the highly interactive and at times vicious “Blood Experience”. We once again decided to partake in the hardcore “Blood Experience” and still are reeling from our time within these terrifying halls. The journey through the dark dungeon of the Halls of Horror, is filled with mature horrors at every turn and is a must visit this year. This is by far the most psychologically and physically exhausting haunted attraction we have ever visited and continues to evolve every year to augment the level of terror generated by its unique attraction. It is important to note that the Halls of Horror is quickly becoming extremely popular so be prepared to wait in a rather lengthy line. “Blood Experience” patrons enter the attraction in small groups, thus the wait is worth it for a disturbing, yet hauntingly memorable experience.
The Halls of Horror, is almost indescribable in its ability to generate real “fear”, yet never crosses the line between an “extreme” haunt and all-out assault. “Extreme” haunts seem to be using violence and torture to garner their reputations yet these experiences are not exactly entertaining. The Halls of Horror is the perfect balance between “extreme” and “traditional/classic” haunted attractions as while physical, they are extremely professional in how they operate their attraction. The management, staff and fantastic actors of this attraction have created the almost perfect mature haunted attraction show for the 2015 season, and demonstrate professionalism in their endeavors to constantly push the limits while maintaining high levels of safety. This is not an event for children, those who are easily offended, or those who are physically unable to participate in an all-out physical, and psychological assault. At time we felt as if we were fighting for our survival, we were covered in “blood” and subjected to acts of terror that have once again left a lasting impact on our psyche. Nothing compares to the interactive, violent yet, strangely engaging experience provided by this one of a kind attraction!
This review will cover the Halls of Horror’s “Blood Experience”, which is the more interactive/hardcore option offered by the attraction for the 2015 season. When we first entered the Halls of Horror’s damp, dark dungeon we were greeted by a rather unsettling and aggressive Freddy Kruger, who pinned our party members against walls, whispered in our ears, and made us feel totally helpless from the start of the attraction. Make no mistake about it, you are at the mercy of the freaks, monsters and psychopaths which roam the Halls of Horror. These actors bring a level of aggression coupled with creativity in their ability to interact with guests that is not typical of most haunted attractions. Our lovely visit with Mr. Krueger was followed up by an encounter with a rather imposing “Michael Myers” like monster who utilized blinding strobe lights, loud music and the sound of a rasping chain to stalk us as we tried to escape the next corridor. Again, this actor was physically imposing and aggressive as we tried to move on to the next room. The metal soundtrack, and use of type spaces make it almost impossible to escape each actor who will do their best to viciously terrorize each guest. At various points in time we were absolutely manhandled by psychopaths in an insane asylum, split up from our group, pinned against walls, thrown in chairs, assaulted by a mad butcher, had pebbles tossed at us by mental patients, grabbed by actors in cages, locked in a cage, thrown on a bed and subjected to chainsaw yielding maniacs, and encountered a hillbilly family who invited us to a rather off-color/sinister party. This is a surreal nightmare come to life.
The insane actors who never let up on the guests make the experience memorable. It is hard to forget the mental imagery of a disturbed psychiatric patient using his wheelchair to force a guest into another room, or a trip through the new ball-pit, featuring monsters who taunted us and forced us to quote “lick their balls”. This is a mature haunt, this a violent experience, yet at all times safety is maintained. The intricate details of each set design are the perfect set piece for dark, mature interactions with the scare actors, as the attraction uses tight spaces, effective lighting and gruesome violent imagery to constantly build fear. There is absolutely no downtime, or weak areas of this attraction as each corridor is filled with non-stop action and unrivaled aggression. The design of the attraction itself coupled with committed scare actors make this attraction stand out amongst the others as claustrophobic environments attack the senses along one’s journey. Again, as mentioned previously this is an adult/mature themed haunt. We were cursed at, taunted, hut by a flying “fetus”, and other life-like props along our terrifying excursion. The make-up design is of each character actor is of the highest quality, an each set effectively builds upon fear throughout the attraction. This a dungeon of horror, the disturbing imagery, sensory deprivation, and use of “blood” coupled with the insanity of each talented actor will always be imprinted in each of our minds. While we wished the attraction was longer, we were still physically and mentally spent as we escaped a final encounter with a vicious hillbilly family. Halls of Horror is non-stop horror entertainment and a horror movie come to life and continues to display its passion for the season in ways that will not be easily erased from our memories!
The Final Word
Halls of Horror is by far the most aggressive, intense and scariest haunted attraction of the 2015 Halloween season. This attraction is for adult/mature audiences and utilizes physical and psychological terror to create non-stop fear. We absolutely love and recommend this attraction for any haunt fan, but please be prepared as this is not your typical attraction. While aggressive, physically, and mentally exhausting, the Halls of Horror is extremely safe and well-managed. The attraction’s amazing actors, and dedicated management have made this our favorite attraction of the season and an experience that must be lived through to appreciate. We only hope that the attraction finds ways to grow within its rather tight confines next year!