Sinister 2 (Blu-ray / DVD)

Starring Shannyn Sossamon, Robert Sloan, Dartanian Sloan, Nick King, James Ransone
Directed by Ciaran Foy
Distributed by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
The original Sinister burst onto the scene back in 2012, and here we are three years later with a sequel. Sequels have a tendency to take a successful film and beat it into the ground, but this one was in more than capable hands… Citadel‘s Ciaran Foy was at the helm, and he seemed like a perfect fit.
In the film James Ransone reprises his role as Deputy So & So (now Ex-Deputy So & So) as he comes across thoroughly spooked single mother Courtney Collins (Sossamon) and her 9-year-old identical sons (real-life twins Robert and Dartanian Sloan). The family is in a state of peril, but little do they know that their stay in an abandoned country home will becomes more deadly than what they were running from to begin with. It’s not long before series villain Bughuul is back with a new crop of snuff films and child specters.
All in all, Foy delivers a competent sequel that does its best to ramp up the scares of the first film, but a little too much CGI and a ridiculous amount of jump scares hamper it from feeling like anything more than a routine and completely by-the-numbers affair. Too bad, too. There was a lot of promise both on and off screen.
As for the special features, aside from Blu-ray-exclusive extended kill films which are undeniably disturbing, we get yet another standard affair including some deleted scenes, a commentary, and behind-the-scenes featurette. Like police telling straggling looky-loos at a crime scene, there’s nothing to see here.
Whether or not fans of the original film were clamoring for a sequel is debatable. Upon release it was pretty divisive. Still, it made money so one was inevitable. In that sense we’re lucky because this could have been A LOT worse. In the end Sinister 2 keeps Bughuul’s ball rolling but plays it too safe for its own good.
Special Features:
- Extended Kill Films (Blu-ray Exclusive)
- Deleted Scenes
- Time to Watch Another: Making of Sinister 2 – In this behind-the-scenes featurette, the filmmakers discuss how they built the new story upon the first film and brought back “Deputy So & So” to continue the hunt for Bughuul.
- Feature Commentary with Director Ciarán Foy