Cat Sick Blues (2016)

Starring Matthew C. Vaughn, Shian Denovan, Rachel Rai
Directed by Dave Jackson
The loss of a pet can damage some people more than the death of a human family member – the grief can be staggering since the unconditional love that was given to you is gone forever. Then there are those who transfer that heartache into something much more maligned. I present to you… Cat Sick Blues.
Devastated by the recent loss of his feline friend, introverted loner Ted (Vaughn) suffers what can be loosely described as a “complete mental detachment” – believing that the only way he can resurrect his pet is to reclaim the nine lives his cat once owned… ummm, okay. With his ill-fitting costume (razor cat claws and mask), he becomes Catman and commences accumulating the much-needed blood to successfully perform a revival ceremony, and the answer to your next question is: “No, I’m not kidding.” I could offer these details up, and some of you awesome readers would certainly agree that they’re a LITTLE off of the beaten path; however, this actually works quite well (should get my own head checked for agreeing on this).
While Ted uses his severed psyche to fuel the fire of loneliness, his actions become more and more bizarre, and the added sub-plot of a woman (Denovan) who also has lost her cat adds to the intrigue – will these two sufferers of bereavement meet up at some point?
In the meantime, Denovan and Vaughn should be highly commended for their portrayals of two distressed individuals, as this movie takes on so much more than the after-effects of a paralyzing passing. Director Dave Jackson uses each and every bit of both visually aggressive practical FX as well as a touch of CGI (in the right places, of course). It all adds up to a movie that can very easily be looked at on the outside as one of those “WTF?” films, but after spending 100 minutes wrapped up in a destructive bout of psychosis, you too will want to hug that furry little pal of yours a little tighter… just try not to squeeze too hard.