Grandpa’s Psycho (2016)
Starring Kim Mulhauser, Ashley Tramonte, David Gere
Directed by Danny LeGare
You’ll more than think twice about letting your little ones sit on sweet old Grandpa’s lap in the future, especially if you’ve subjected your eyes to Danny LeGare’s OUT-THERE feature Grandpa’s Psycho.
Shedding the image of the wholesome, kind and gentle patriarch, Gunther Grambo steals the film as Grampa Murry – and in his best defense, Murry is the definition of a kind old timer on the surface: soft-spoken, has a great relationship with his small family, and even runs a small business in town. The family’s worry about him has grown in recent time, especially with the recent death of his darling wife.
Living way out in the woods in a secluded cabin has its perks as well for Murry – he can quietly reflect on a life well lived, with the love of a special woman beside him for a very long time… and please, don’t pay any attention to those noises in the cabin. You see, Murry’s become a little “detached” since his wife’s passing, and he’s taken on a “righteous hand of God” persona, keeping the sinners held captive in his abode, until he can properly cleanse them of their immoralities.
Murry’s newest project is Kelly (Jessica Moore – TNA Wrestling’s Velvet Sky), a fairly tough woman who isn’t exactly in tune with Grampa Murry’s philosophies. The interaction between the two is amusing to say the least, and through flashbacks we come to see just how she became his prisoner. While more than a few instances came off a tad implausible, overall the film is a fun watch, mainly due to Grambo’s Jekyll and Hyde-like performance; one minute he’s quietly stammering words, and the next he’s exploding into sadistic instances of extreme violence. It’s the fluctuation of serene, kindhearted, elderly gentleman turning the corner and becoming a self-imposed vehicle of God, sent to do his work, complete with barbarous approaches.
Overall, I could recommend this one as a midnight watch – it’s nothing that’s going to blow your mind or set the industry back, but it might just make you think twice before giving those antiquated Walmart greeters the stink-eye in the future, now won’t it?