Tricky Treat, A (Short)

Starring Leonard Waldner, Steve Brewster, Andrea Fletcher
Directed by Patricia Chica
If there’s one thing that I managed to take away from director Patricia Chica’s ultra-fun three-minute short A Tricky Treat, it’s that one day soon, jack-o-lanterns will rule the world. Take that as you may, but the warning is real, and the evidence is on full display in this quickie.
One unlucky man on Halloween night meets an unfortunate circumstance, and it just wouldn’t be fair to say any more, especially with this one clocking in at the 180-second mark, but hold tight to this: The blood will flow, and certain useless pieces of anatomy will be removed… sound good?
Chica pulls no punches and goes straight for the gorehounds’ appetites with this one, and it’s definitely a short that I’d want to revisit again, not just on All Hallows’ Eve. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.