Faith & Grace (Short, 2016)

Starring Claudia Nettleford, Justnara Zaman
Directed by Shean Roberts
Shean Roberts’ new short, Faith & Grace, comes up on the extremely brief side of things, but sometimes run time is irrelevant. Although this particular film isn’t exactly seamless, it is successful in gaining the viewer’s attention and holding it until the credits roll.
Comedic in tone, the story focuses on two happy-go-lucky ladies with a nasty habit of disposing of men they’re not too fond of, for whatever reason. But when they set out to drop another body in dirt, things get a little out of control.
Despite a pretty non-existent budget, the film is shot well. It moves quickly, feeling more like a single scene from a much larger production, but it works in syphoning some laughs and a little bewilderment. The manner in which Faith and Grace perform their heinous acts makes for valued comedy and adds a little replay value to the picture as a whole.
If there’s one complaint to be had, it’s the wooden acting from Claudia Nettleford and Justnara Zaman, who appear to be giving their finest efforts, though those efforts ultimately come up a tad short. That looks like a by-product of inexperience more than anything else. Drop either of these two in a few more productions, and we’re likely to see some major improvements.
All in all, Faith & Grace is worth a look. It’s not terrible, it’s not great – it is entertaining, and director Shean Roberts looks to have a promising future in the genre. Especially if he’s willing to continue on the path he walks now, which is one of self-awareness. Roberts knows not to take everything too seriously. That mindset alone could lead to bigger and better things.