Killer Friends (Short)

Starring Jenna-Lee Carreiro, Dave Racki, Peggy Sinnott
Directed by Zach Noe Towers and Tina Carbone
The funny thing about Zach Noe Towers and Tina Carbone’s funny short, Killer Friends is that I think everyone with a small band of pals can relate to the subject: everybody’s got that one friend that just needs a bit of a smack with a mallet from time to time…just to keep them in line. Anyone? Anyone at all? Hope I’m not alone in my thinking here.
The quickie sets the stage like this: a carefully planned out camping trip is outlined between Jill (Carreiro) and Bryan (Racki) for the sole purpose of dragging Jill’s friend Scott (Towers) out in the middle of nowhere and killing him. When assistance is asked of their sidekick, Heather (Sinnott), she is initially sickened at the thought, until she gets the chance to meet him…and DAMN, does his reputation precede him. Insulting, coarse, and completely ignorant to others’ feelings are just a few colorful ways to describe this callous jackass. Oh yeah, someone’s going to get hurt real soon!
Many attempts are made on his life, and for some odd reason, they just can’t seem to put this guy away, and the instances are not only funny as hell, but work exceedingly well with the casting – everyone (for lack of a better term), killed their role, especially Towers, who also co-directed. Overall, if you’re looking for a game plan on how to safely dispatch that ultra-annoying pal, then don’t follow this particular gameplan, but if it’s laughs you’re hankering for, then Killer Friends has got the goods.