Parasites (2016)

Starring Robert Miano, Sean Samuels, Silvia Spross
Directed by Chad Ferrin
You see them on the street: homeless, huddled in corners, holding up signs begging for money, shielding themselves from the elements. Regardless of what you may think of these individuals, remember one thing: They’re humans, and despite their present situation, they still maintain that quality… and when disrespected, things can turn to shit in a real hurry.
In Parasites, the latest film from director Chad Ferrin, we learn what happens when these people are shown no respect, and the subsequent result is nothing less than barbaric.
Starring Robert Miano (Donnie Brasco) in an unbelievably strong role as the lead transient, Wilco, his merry band of wandering vagrants certainly aren’t very hospitable towards little rich boys traveling through their streets. The small group of friends is led by Marshal (Samuels), who with his pals (in a brand spanking new truck) are out for a fellas night on the town… and at the risk of sounding TOO negative (wouldn’t be the first time), HOW in this day and age do people still manage to get lost with even the most simple GPS rigged into their phone or maybe a brand new truck?
At any rate, the guys get turned around real quick, and after the nicely placed board with nails in it wrecks their tire (wonder how that got there), the band of frat boys are quickly descended upon by Wilco and his crew of drifters. Following an absolutely brutal turn of events, Marshal is now on the run from this overly aggressive swarm of tramps, and he’ll have to rely on every bit of guts that he has (plus a few lucky tricks) to help him survive the night.
When I first crossed eyes on this one, I immediately thought of 1993’s Judgment Night with Denis Leary and Emilio Estevez, and while no real bum threat was present in that film, the premise was still somewhat the same. After completing this movie, I can honestly say that I loved it – white-knuckled tension and action that holds its ground in a multitude of fashions, complemented by the stellar performance of Miano as the heavy. Aside from a few lapses in plot reasoning, this film has the goods.
Ferrin makes the most out of his direction, going with a film relying heavily on night shots and on-foot chase scenes. It works, it’s enjoyable to follow along with, and it’ll definitely make you think twice about casting a nasty glare towards those in need. RECOMMENDED.