Killer Queen (Short, 2016)

Starring Anastasia Belladonna, Rob Elder, Katie Conway
Directed by Tony Savero
Man, those pageant queens certainly have a no-nonsense attitude these days, don’t they? In Tony Savero’s short film Killer Queen, the price to pay for sending a drag regent to an early grave is a rather bloody one.
Presented in a grindhouse cinema trailer style, this 3+-minute quickie showcases the beyond-the-grave revenge tactics of a performer (Belladonna) upon those who have done him/her wrong – they’re brutal, exacting, and pretty damn entertaining to watch.
Implementing saw blades and stiletto heels, our lady in a dress pinpoints the targets that were responsible for her early demise and lets the crimson spray freely. It’s altogether a fun short that Savero hopes to make into a full-length feature at some point, and if (and/or when) the day comes, we should all think twice about pissing off those entertainers who take the stage for our enjoyment… for hell hath no fury like a (dead) woman scorned!