Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou – (Anime Series)

Directed by Tatsuya Yoshihara
Animated by Lerche, and Seva
Suitable for 17+
If there is anything that tends to be a constant in anime, it’s the fact that it can be borderline porn. Panty shots are the norm, extraordinarily bouncing boobs are left and right, and sensual scenes where someone gets “wet” are incredibly common. Some anime gracefully avoid this stereotype. Then there are others like Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou, otherwise known as Everyday Life with Monster Girls. This show is porn. Let’s just clear up that nonsense right from the start. Guaranteed, there are tons of people wanking to this. But you know what, we live in an era where our sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of anymore. If you sexually identify as an attack helicopter, that’s cool. If centaurs get you really horny, that’s fine too. There is a place for Monster Musume in this world, and frankly, we’re glad it’s here.
In most cases, a smut series that is full of smut for smut’s sake is not good. They generally take themselves too seriously, and throw some haphazard plot at you to make you think you’re watching an interesting show (think Diabolik Lovers). With Monster Musume, the creators have lovingly folded the bullshit plot into the smut to create a beautiful cake of doesn’t-take-itself-seriously. The “plot” of the show revolves around main character Kimihito Kurusu who suddenly finds himself host to a bevy of monster girls on a host family stay in the human world. As with any porn plot, they all of course fall in love with Kimihito and spend the rest of the series trying to find creative ways to get him to fall for them.
The point of the show is to enjoy the ridiculousness of it all. Have a great laugh, and ogle some animated titties. For those of you looking for a more clear-cut narrative, we can pretty much guarantee you won’t like Monster Musume. Each episode has a story to tell, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter. Granted, the manga version is still being serialized, so a potential Season Two is sure to have more answers to the questions Season One proposes. Questions like, “Whose titties will Kimihito accidentally grope next?!” (My money’s on Centorea, the sexy centaur.)
One of the better things about Monster Musume is that it doesn’t try to be something it’s not. In the beginning the series focuses on Kimihito, and which girl he will eventually marry. But as time goes on, it becomes almost entirely about the monster girls, and their different qualities. There are new characters introduced fairly consistently, so there’s always some new fun to be had. And of course there’s always tons of boobs, butts, sexy nicknames, and borderline overt sex scenes. Can’t forget that this is a smut series after all! Monster Musume is hilarious throughout, solidifying the fact that it doesn’t ever become too serious.
Speaking of tons of characters introduced, there is literally something for everyone in this show. We’ve got a harpy, mermaid, snake girl, slime girl, spider woman, centaur, giantess, zombie, forest nymph, dragon girl (originally thought to be a boy), cyclops, and on and on. Not only are the monster species varied, so are the body types. There’s ginormous boobs, tiny/non-existent boobs, characters that are adults but look like children, characters that look older than they really are, lolitas, tomboys, maids, etcetera etcetera. There are very few anime that can pull off this kind of variety without becoming overwhelmingly confusing. Monster Musume does a great job of allowing each character their time, so that you can easily remember them all.
The girls aren’t just various combinations of boobs and tail/wings/horse bodies. They’re also monsters, imagine that! Centorea is a centaur, and she has an instinctual need to serve. With Kimihito as her leader, Centorea will do anything to keep him safe. Papi, the harpy girl, is a little dim in the head, but after all, she does have half a bird brain! Suu is a slime that absorbs moisture, but if she takes in water mixed with fertilizer? Oh no, we’ve got giant kaiju Suuzilla on our hands! Zombina is (you guessed it!) a zombie, with the ability to lose limbs with no trouble to herself. Want to flirt with an unsuspecting Kimihito? Just pop off a boob and have him sew it back on! Rachnera is a spider woman, who loves catching helpless prey in her webs to “play” with. Monster Musume is a quirky, often macabre take on immediately recognizable characters. It’s worth a watch just to see what stereotypical things these monster girls will do.
There’s a glaringly negative fact to Monster Musume, and that’s that some people don’t like to watch porn. We’ve made it abundantly clear thus far that this series is not for you if you fall in this category. Even the most seasoned porn watcher will constantly shake their head at the absurdity of it all. Monster Musume is bound to make some people feel incredibly awkward, but at least you’ve been warned. If you don’t want to watch titties flounced in your face, and awkward scenes of a slime girl absorbing moisture off her friends, stay away from Monster Musume.
For those about to laugh, we salute you. Monster Musume is a hilariously fun romp through fields of smut. There’s not much by way of plot, a Season Two might bring more, although it’s not that important for this series. If blatant fan service upon blatant fan service does not appeal to you, then you won’t enjoy Monster Musume. If you do, there’s plenty of variety for you and your fellow otaku friends to celebrate. While Monster Musume is not revolutionary, it’s certainly a hell of a lot of fun.