Counter Clockwise (2016)

Starring Michael Kopelow, Frank Simms, Kerry Knuppe
Directed by George Moise
When are people going to learn to leave these scientific “experiments” well-enough alone? If I remember correctly, things along the teleportation line didn’t work out so well for Jeff (Brundlefly) Goldblum, now did they? So, along comes director George Moise’s sci-fi comedic trip, Counter Clockwise, and we’re all along for the temporal displacement.
The film follows budding scientist Ethan (Kopelow), and his determined avocation towards completing his teleporter, to which he’s already subjected his one-eyed dog, Charlie to (poor pooch). After Charlie manages to successfully make the leap into the other dimension and back safely, Ethan believes it’s his time, and he makes the decision to enter the teleporter (mind you, he’s not discussed this little adventure with his wife). After his “successful” jump through time, he emerges unscathed out of the pod, yet something just doesn’t seem right – all of his equipment looks to have been shut down, and he’s treated like a wanted fugitive once the authorities lay eyes upon him – what in the hell just went wrong? Turns out that a whopping six months have blown by in a whisper and good old Ethan is now the top suspect in a murder investigation – looks like someone offed Ethan’s wife and sister, and the accusatory finger’s pointed straight at his bespectacled self.
Here’s a small issue that I had with the film: right off the bat we get to the inner crust of the problem, and it literally wasn’t a good 25 minutes that had elapsed before all of our major issues had occurred, leaving the bulk of the film’s runtime to work everything else out. However, aside from the time-spread and the fact that for a sci-fi “comedy”, there wasn’t much along the laugh-element side of things. Nonetheless, Kopelow is refreshing as the lead here, and some of his facial expressions alone are good enough to supplant the lack of out loud laughs that you might be looking for. Overall, the movie’s got its ups and downs, but should manage to entertain on certain levels to those wanting a little inanity in their deductive experimentation – take the leap, it’ll be worth it.