Halloween Party (2016)

Starring Elle Newlands, Frank Gangarossa, Chris Pentzell
Directed by Linda Palmer
Alright, we all have come to know that the glory and splendor that is known as Halloween is “typically” an event for the kids to dress up and rake in tons of candy like glorified door-to-door bandits, but what about the adults? We deserve a party, don’t we? Next up on the slab is a film from director Linda Palmer called Halloween Party, and aptly enough, the elder ones are costumed up, the booze is flowing, and there’s a bit of debauchery in the air…but this party has some caveats.
Moving away from the killer-on-the-loose premise, this film attempts to focus on the festivities and bring the laughs to the front door like an unwanted guest, come to think of it, the door should have been slammed forcefully on this crasher before a toe crossed the threshold. If the emphasis here is strictly placed upon getting this party rocking and keeping it that way, wouldn’t you expect at least more than a plastic pumpkin-bucket full of laughs? So in any event, we’ve got the hosts of said gala using a plethora of cameras and crew to secretly watch their doings…and these people are your friends? There’s plenty of goofy goings-on, tricks and treats, and even the occasional surprise, but what seriously lacks here are the funny moments – way too many instances that should have had me busting a gut fell far too short. Now I’m well aware that everyone’s humor level is on a generous sliding scale, but in this case however I believe that even the most easy-going lover of wacky humor might find the funnies are in short order here.
It’s the hidden-camera coverage that acts as the receptor for the hijinx, and it catches more than its fair share of unpredictable moments. Amidst all this goofiness, the weight is heroically pulled by the cast itself, giving believable performances in the midst of the laugh-drought, yet unfortunately it just wasn’t enough to save this particular party from going stale before the music had a chance to get loud. Call me a sick-minded individual, but I would have preferred an axe-wielding lunatic running amok in the middle of this fiesta to really ramp things up, but if watching people partying is your thing, then this is the film for you.