Candy (Short, 2010)

Reviewed by Mr. Dark
Starring Sage Hall, Jesse Kozel
Directed by Sage Hall
Written by Jenny Beres
Candy is a short film that represents the behind-the-camera debut of Sage Hall, a videographer who has had a couple of small parts in independent films. She’s also the star of the piece in the role of Candy, a mother who just has some trouble letting go.
It’d be very easy to dismiss this as a vanity piece. Hall is drop-dead gorgeous, knows it, and made sure she was shot in provocative poses and clothing during the credit sequence to demonstrate that fact to everyone who watches. However, there’s clearly talent on display here so to make such a dismissal would be unwise.
It’s Halloween, and Candy is at home with her son, who has invited a friend over. This is usually a mother/son night so tensions are a little high when Jenny knocks and it’s clear this isn’t just a friend; it’s a date. After a few rather bizarre minutes, Jenny finds out that Candy is very protective of her son and their lifestyle.
The irony here is that Hall’s beauty works against her. She’s around 30, and her son, played by Jesse Kozel, is right around there himself. There’s no way this is the guy’s mom. An explanation for this is rendered at the end of the piece, but I have to admit that it kept me out of the film for much of its eight-minute run.
Performances are also an issue. Hall is a little stilted with some of her dialogue, and Kozel needs to work on his delivery. However, as I said before, there’s definitely talent here. Hall knows her way around a camera and editing room, and it shows. While she needs to refine her visual storytelling, Candy has a unique look and is a fun watch.
Overall it’s a good first release. It has the kind of bumps and lumps you’d expect from a first-time filmmaker, but it’s an amusing way to spend eight minutes.

2 1/2 out of 5
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