Fiancé, The (2016)
Starring Carrie Keagan, Dallas Valdez, Douglas Tait
Directed by Mark Allen Michaels
Twisting up the usual, drab “Bigfoot running amok” premise and adding a little relationship strife is just what director Mark Allen Michaels planned on with his latest, The Fiancé, and at the risk of sounding too morose, I think this union is way past the point of reconciliation or progressive therapy.
The film stars Dallas Valdez as a very wealthy individual named Michael whose seedy undertakings with the Russian mafia have left him running out of greenbacks rather quickly. With the impending sawdust blowing out of his wallet, he decides to invite his lady friend (Keagan) up to a secluded cabin in the woods (oh shit, here we go again) in the hopes of successfully popping the question.
Unfortunately for him, she was attacked by a Sasquatch-like monster upon her arrival and starts to display some signs of unharnessed brutality. So, just as this poor bastard is dealing with the fact that he’ll soon be flat broke, he’s also got a wild woman for a bride-to-be. Now, fellas, I’m sure we all can agree that an untamed gal is the stuff of dreams, but this woman is now clearly off the chain; and with the addition of a documentary crew tailing the beast, we’ve got the makings of quite a mess. Well then, let’s get messy!
Flashbacks are the detriment to this production, as they have the tendency to slow the film to a crawl, but Michaels’ direction quickly jump-starts the movie back to life every time the need arises. The progression between horror and the idea of a man trying to save the life of his loved one slowly succumbing to animal instinct is both bizarre and intriguing, and aside from some otherwise goofy supporting performances, The Fiancé is one of those creature flicks that should arouse some interest from fans looking for a little bite with their romance… or failed romance, at that.