Red Man, The (2016)

Starring Daniel David Diamond, Daniel Faraldo, Lindsey Naves
Directed by Jimmie Gonzalez
Past mental trauma infringing upon present-day life – sounds like some trouble is on the horizon for someone in Jimmie Gonzalez’s mind-bending psychological-thriller, The Red Man.
Starring Diamond as the extremely popular house DJ Evan – his life has certainly been one of local notoriety, and one night after a horrific tragedy befalls his family, he’s become somewhat of a damaged individual, suffering from nightmarish images and relying on the aid of a psychiatrist to help him deal with the lingering upheaval. As the film rolls along, we see both the side of a man whose mid-level profile is affected by this terrible occurrence, and if the aforementioned situation wasn’t enough to contend with, Evan begins to think that his own appointed shrink might have a role in all this mayhem – could it just be his impaired mind playing cruel tricks on him, or is there some real truth as to what’s occurring all around him? Quite the interesting play, indeed, and the idea that we’re all strapped into the front seat to decipher this mess makes it even more interesting.
Daniel Faraldo plays an equally strong role as the clinician with some questionable motives, Dr. Verde – his performance as a Jekyll/Hyde personality swung the window wide open and delivered a serious and refreshing fresh breeze during the film’s more stagnant moments. I’d be lying if I told you that this presentation didn’t come without its flaws – some more unforgiving than others. The unsettling images are just that – meant to make you scratch your head at their validity, and throw some serious curveballs at you while you’re attempting to traverse this otherwise frayed plot-path. What I can offer up is both the works of Diamond and Faraldo work to an insanely (bad pun) good level, and you really begin to pull for DJ Evan in the hopes of him finding the heinous soul that committed these atrocities towards his family. Give this one a solid look if you’re up for a twisting, turning, slightly awry thriller – and if you can make it past those scenes with that mind-numbing techno-music attacking your eardrums, more power to ya.