Tampoon (Short, 2017)

Starring Alexandra August, JJ Dunlap, Jeanne Jo
Directed by Jeanne Jo
Uh, well…needless to say when this little pearl was sent across to me, I was a bit perplexed as to how I was going to properly word this one up, regardless of how I felt about it. Forget about the title, Tampoon, or the premise of which is a woman’s feminine hygiene product with a mind of its own, and once it’s inserted…yeah, this one simply had me at a creative standstill.
A cute little maiden (August) is in the process of dolling herself up for a date with her fella (Dunlap), and just one more thing needs to be tended to before she can put the wraps on her preparation – you guessed it: the ol’ telescope on a string trick. Seems that the only thing between this gal and a romantic tango with her beau is the fact that Aunt Flo is in town, and she needs to be stopped at the depot before the next bus pulls in. But something is up with this womanly blockade – it appears to want to protect her from making a huge mistake, and it will more than likely claim a victim before the night is over.
Look, I could explicate this 7-minute quickie till the cows come home, but I just think for this to truly be appreciated, you’ve got to see it for yourselves. Is it worth the watch? For a scant 7 minutes, I suppose so – there’s nothing overly horrific to traumatize your eyeballs…wait, I take that back. Yeah, this is pretty alarming, especially to the guy-set. If you’re willing to brace yourselves for what could potentially be the greatest short film championing abstinence, then by all means give this one a look – however, if this just isn’t your cup of tea, then feel free to discard this into the proper receptacle…and for god’s sake wash your hands afterwards.