Commune (Short, 2017)

Starring Robin King, Tom Weller
Directed by Thomas Perrett
Taking over a seemingly easy job as a housesitter doesn’t exactly prove to be conducive to one’s mental (or physical) health in Thomas Perrett’s short film, Commune. If the lure of easy money seems too damn good to be true, in this case, no truer words could be thrown down.
Tom (Weller) is a chap who takes a job as the caretaker for a house that supposedly ran as a commune years ago, and once he’s settled into his new digs, it doesn’t take long before some unexplained events begin to occur. Perrett uses a myriad of haunted-house techniques to excelling heights, and although the “spooky-house” thing has been done to death (bad pun), this one still comes off like a full tray of ice cubes down the back of your shirt.
This is also so much more than a quickie about a man creeping around dark corners, trying to make sense of what could be lurking in the shadows – simple yet detailed, and it’s one that should have people wanting to keep their lights on at all times in the future.